Challenging the Narrative: Documentary Film as Participatory Practice in Conflict Situations
The book analyses films produced in South Africa, Haiti, Brazil, and North of Ireland, reflecting on the challenges and limitations of participatory practice as a form of public acknowledgement. Anthem Press (2023).
Filming in the Prisons, in Mairs Dyer, J., McCafferty, C., and McLaughlin, C. (eds.)The Prisons Memory Archive: a Case Study in Filmed Memories from Conflict.
Malaga: Vernon Press (2022).
The Use of Film to Challenge Non-Inclusive Transitional Justice Narratives: It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti
in Journal of Human Rights Practice (to be published 2023).
Possibilities and Challenges: issues in ethical filmmaking using It Stays With You as a case study’ (2020) in Dodd, S.
Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods. Bingley: Emerald Publishers.
What Happens When an Interview is Filmed: Recording Memories from Conflict in Oral History Review (2018).
Memory, Place and Gender: Armagh Stories, Voices from the Gaol
in Journal of Memory Studies (2017).
Engaging with Personal and Collective Memory in the Practice Based PhD, in Bell. D., (ed.) Mind the Gap: Working papers on practice-based doctoral research in creative arts and media. Dublin: Distillers Press (2016).
From the Inside: the Case of a Prison Officer in Andrews, C. and McGuire, M. (eds.) Post Conflict Literature: Human Rights, Peace, Justice. Routledge: Milton Keynes (2016) .
Who Tells What To Whom And How: the Prisons Memory Archive, (2014)
in p-e-r-f-o-r-m-a-nc-e Vol 1. No. 1,
Maureen Never Gave Up in Daniels, J., McLaughlin, C., and Pearce, G.
Truth, Dare or Promise: Art and Documentary Revisited, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press (2013)
Recording Memories from Political Conflict. Intellect Books: Bristol (2010).
Cold, Hungry and Scared, in Ireland In Focus, eds. Flanner, E and Griffin, M, New York: Syracuse University Press,(2009).
Under the Same Roof, in Purbrick, Aulich and Dawson (eds) Contested Spaces: Sites, Representations and Histories of Conflict (Palgrave 2007);
Inside Stories: Memories from the Maze and Long Kesh Prison, Journal of Media Practice, Vol 7 No 2, 2006, pp123-133.
Touchstone and Tinderbox: Documenting memories inside the North of Ireland’s Long Kesh and Maze Prison, in Klausmeier, Purbrick and Schofield (eds.), Re-mapping the Field: New Approaches in Conflict Archaeology (Berlin: Westkreuz-Verlag, 2006) pp81-86.
Filmic Representations of the British-Irish Conflict Since the Ceasefires of 1994, in Caunce, S. et al (eds.) Relocating Britishness (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004) pp237-251.
Telling Our Story; Recording Audio Visual Testimonies from Political Conflict, in Barton, R., and O’Brien, H., (eds.), in Keeping It Real; Irish Film and Television (London: Wallflower Press, 2004) pp100-110.
Collaboration as Research: Testimonies from the Apartheid Era, Journal of Media Practice, Vol 3 No 3, 2003, pp171-177.
Reparations in South Africa; a Visit to Khulumani, Race and Class, Vol.44 No.1, 2002, pp81-86.
Changing PhD Regulations in Practice-as-Research, Journal of Media Practice, Vol.2 No.3, 2002.
Prisons Memory Archive: a Case Study in Filmed Memory of Conflict. Co-editor with McCafferty, C. and Mairs Dyer, J. (2022) Malaga: Vernon Press.
Mind the Gap: working papers on practice based doctoral research in creative arts and media. Assistant editor with Bell, D. (2016) Dublin: Distillers Press.
Truth, Dare or Practice: Art and Documentary Revisited. Co-editor with Daniels, J., and Pearce, G. (2013) Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Truth or Dare: Art and Documentary. Co-editor with Pearce, G. (2007) Bristol: Intellect Books.